Despite fundamental problems with fiat currency, unstable markets and hundreds of trillions of dollars of debt, it’s actually an exciting time for money. The blockchain has started an important conversation about money and now banks, regulators and technology companies are exploring cryptocurrency and new fintech.

With much attention and investment, fintech focus has been almost entirely on wallets, exchanges and various cryptocurrencies. Our increasingly globalised marketplace needs a fundamental design shift to overcome many of the world-scale economic challenges we face today. The blockchain may well have started an important conversation but it is simply one step in money’s evolution.

The goal of any financial system is to support and grow industry, provide purchasing power for consumers, create high quality production and wealth. This is the centre of human safety and environmental regeneration.

There will be thousands of fintech startups and blockchain projects that will come and go over the next few years but only the sustainable will survive. And sustainability is about design. We believe that an emergent digital market system requires a completely new design.

While new players emerge in the financial technology industry we are yet to see what we consider to be a real game changer.